When conducting job interviews, potential employers look for candidates who not only possess the skills and experience they need for a successful employee, but also for someone who will fit in well with their existing team and company culture.
First impressions go a long way - this is true in any scenario, and especially true for job interviews. While the decision to hire someone will be based on a lot more than just the first impression, first impressions still play a part. With that being said, a candidate’s interview outfit is one of the first things a potential employer will notice when they walk in the door.
Professional presentation goes a long way, and is something all interviewers take note of for all candidates. Someone who obviously spent time and energy putting together an outfit that compliments their personality and shows their professionality while not being too flashy is a candidate who will stand out in all the right ways. This is where the importance of dressing with modesty comes in.
Dressing with modesty doesn’t just mean keeping an eye on silhouettes, hemlines and necklines - it also means taking into account colors, patterns and accessories. You want your outfit to highlight your personality and style without overshadowing your personality and skill set.
A modest outfit doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel great and stylish in your outfit - you want to feel comfortable and confident. Women are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), which is something to be celebrated… even during a job interview. An interviewer is looking for someone who is confident yet humble, skilled yet willing to continue learning, and professional with a great personality to fit in with their team. They want to focus on getting to know you and why you might be a good fit for their team, and not be distracted by what you’re wearing.
If your outfit is the thing the interviewer remembers about your interview, chances are slim that you will get the job.You want an outfit that allows you to highlight your best features: your skills, experience, ideas, and personality. When strength and dignity are her clothing, she laughs at the time to come (Proverbs 31:25).
Picking an outfit for your upcoming interview is an important part of preparing, but it doesn’t need to be scary and overwhelming. Our experienced stylists are here to offer advice and feedback on how to dress to impress and highlight those key features employers are looking for (your skills, experience, ideas, and personality!) at your job interview.